Friday, February 27, 2015

Jesus is Lord of Liberty

I am proud to be an American, but  from the very founding of our nation it has been corrupted by the worship of a Goddess.  Our founding fathers established this country so that we would have the freedom to worship, work and give us the opportunity to better ourselves.  If you look at quotes from them you will see that Christianity is a key to many of their lives, and yet to fulfill their dreams of national freedom they looked to the Goddess Columbia.

Perhaps you have never heard of the Goddess Columbia.  She has been in many cultures, including the Roman Empire, but you might know her better as the Goddess Liberty.  We have a 305 foot statue of her in New York harbor and another statue of her on top of the dome of the US Capital building.  Many places and things are named after her including, the Columbia River, Columbia space shuttle, and on many past denominations of our money.  Even our nation's capital is named for her.

Many people believe that Washington D.C was named Columbia after Christopher Columbus, but the three person committee named the 10 mile square area "Columbia" after the goddess Columbia. During the Revolutionary war Columbia was hailed as the goddess protecting America against Britannia.

Lady Liberty was seen as the goddess who gave The United States freedom. Because of her, we can worship God as we see fit. Columbia granted freedom to live life without the shackles of kings and nobles holding you down.  She is the one who granted us this land where the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has graced its people.

Even today we worship freedom.  Americans see freedom as a right that is owed to them.  The power of freedom is the Constitution.  We do not look to God to protect our freedoms, but to the Constitution.  It is the document that we hold holy.  It is the foundation of our freedom instead of God.

Christians have looked to the Constitution to uphold freedom of worship.  Our nation, which recognized Columbia as the goddess of freedom, is not always faithful and true.  Our nation can not promise you a tomorrow of freedom.  Faith, in the United States government, is trusting a swamp land to hold up your rights to freedom.

The Sons of Liberty was a secret organization of patriots from the 13 colonies who fought to protect the rights of the colonies against the abuses of England.  Today the true Sons of Liberty are those who openly confess Jesus as lord and trust him whether free or slave.

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17

Photo Credit: Statue of Liberty by Chris Tse